I have been a part of this scene for the better part of the last 8 years as a party-goer, DJ, artist, and (for a couple of events) promotor. I have seen a lot of cool stuff and a lot of bullshit, but I still think that this scene is one of, if not the most positive example of self-expression in Southern California. People are involved, for the most part, because they are really into music. Like myself, they heard something one night and it changed their lives permanently. As the music has evolved and fragmented into scores of sub-genres, it brings in a whole new group of heads with it. Even the popularization of samples and electronic music over the past couple of years, with all of its associated hype, I believe, has made the scene all the richer. More music. More people. More diversity.
After a hiatus of over a year (due to the fact that I was busy trying to make it as a struggling musician), I have started to go to parties again. Some have been good, and some have been pretty lame, but my experience at Midnight Bombers was phenomenal. The people were very cool, the sound system was fucking unreal, and the music (especially from Cosmo Brown) was some of the coolest shit I have heard in the past several years. I wasn't too fired to be going to a jungle party because I went to one a couple of weeks ago and it just sucked, but you guys have renewed my faith by throwing this killer party. I also appreciate the fact that you threw the party in downtown. I remember going to parties in downtown all of the time between 93 and 96. Lately, though, everything seems to be set up in lame Hollywood clubs or way the fuck outside of LA county. Your location worked out really well, and there are a lot of other downtown locations in the same area that are just as cool. I appreciate not having to do a couple of hours worth of driving to wind up out in BFE.
Thanks again for your outstanding party. I had a great time, and everyone I talked to on that night seemed to be having a great time to. Keep up the good work.